Auto Create Flights with FlightAware

Pilot Partner is excited to announce our integration with FlightAware to automatically create flights in your Electronic Pilot Logbook.    We will even grab a screenshot of the FlightAware tracking map and attach it to your Flight’s Image Gallery.

Automatically Imported from FlightAware into Pilot Partner

Pilot Partner has consumed the FlightAware’s API to read the flights of those tail numbers that you wish to subscribe to.  With this integration your flights will show if one of the two conditions have been met:

  1. You fly on an IFR Flight Plan
  2. Your aircraft is ADS-B Out Equipped

Other flights might show up, but those are the two categories that will produce the more accurate results.   Even flying with ADS-B out depends on FlightAware’s ADS-B Network.  (You can check out their ADS-B coverage on their Website.  And if you live in an area with poor coverage, consider building a receiver and sending the data to them).

How the Import Works

Step 1)

Enable the ADS-B/IFR option
Enable the ADS-B/IFR option

You must go and edit the aircraft you want to subscribe to this feed with.  Just turn on the option: Subscribe to ADS-B/IFR Flights

You do this from the Aircraft List screen, then by click on the aircraft you want to subscribe to.

Step 2)

List of flights available from FlightAware
List of flights available from FlightAware

Go to the “ADS-B / IFR” option under the Logbook menu icon.  It will show you a list of flights in the last couple of months for the tail numbers that you have subscribed to.

Step 3)

Click the “Log Flight Button” for the flight that you want to log.  When you do you will be taken to the new Flight Screen with all the available details filled out.  Including:

  • Flight Date
  • Tail Number
  • Total Time
  • Route of Flight (Departure location & Destination location)

Then you can fill out the additional details (Landings, Conditions of Flight, and adjust the route of flight if needed).

Step 4)

When you save the Flight, Pilot Partner will automatically grab the Flight Map Screen from FlightAware and attach the image to your flight.   Here is an example:

FlightAware tracking map is automatically attached to your flight.
FlightAware tracking map is automatically attached to your flight.

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